Best Fissure Doctor in Bangalore
Dr. Rajasekhar & his team of expert physicians have 38 years of experience in treating Fissures.
Contact Chirag Global Hospitals for the Best Doctor for Fissure in Bangalore, India.
What is Fissure ?
An anal fissure is a small tear in the thin, moist tissue (mucosa) that lines the anus. An anal fissure may occur when you pass hard or large stools during a bowel movement. Anal fissures typically cause pain and bleeding with bowel movements.
Symptoms of Fissure
- The skin around the anus has a visible crack.
- Near the anal fissure, there is a tiny bump or skin tag.
- Pain that lasts up to several hours after motion or a bowel movement.
- Blood on the stool or toilet after motion or a bowel movement.
- Pain or severe pain during motion or during bowel movements.
Causes of Fissure
- Stools that are big or hard to pass
- Experiencing constipation and strain during motion or bowel movements
- Loose stools or regular diarrhea
- Engaging in anal intercourse
- Childbirth
Anal Fissures can also be caused by the following less prevalent reasons:
- Irritable Bowel Diseases & Crohn’s Disease
- Anal Cancer
- HIV (Human Immuno-deficiency Virus)
- Tuberculosis
- Syphilis
Complications of Fissures
Anal Fissure complications can include:
- Delayed or Failure to Heal The inability to heal. If an anal fissure does not heal in eight weeks, it is termed chronic and may require additional therapy.
- Recurrence Once you’ve experienced an anal fissure, you are prone to having another one.
- Tear or Rip that extends to the muscles around it An anal fissure that extends into the muscle ring that keeps your anus closed (internal anal sphincter) can make healing your anal fissure more challenging. An unhealed fissure can set off a vicious cycle of pain or discomfort that may necessitate the use of drugs or surgery to relieve the pain and repair or remove the fissure.
Treatment for Fissures
- Anal sphincter tone optimization
- Sphincterotomy
- Sitz bath
- Simple Medication
- Dietary & Lifestyle Modification
Our Fissure Specialists at Chirag Global Hospitals come with vast surgical & medical experience in treating fissures. We offer the necessary treatments based on the severity.
Prevention of Fissure
By avoiding constipation or diarrhoea, you may be able to avoid developing an anal fissure. To avoid needing to strain during bowel motions, eat high fiber foods, include more fluids along with food, drink plenty of water and exercise regularly.