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Fistula Experts in Bangalore

Dr. Rajasekhar & his team of expert physicians have 38 years of experience in treating Fistula.

Contact Chirag Global Hospitals for the Best Doctor for Fistula in Bangalore, India.

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What is Fistula ?

Anal fistulas are the result of an infection that starts in an anal gland. The infection results in an abscess which is a collection of pus inside. When there is a single opening inside the anal canal, it is called the sinus. When it opens outside and pus starts coming out, it is called Fistula.

In simpler terms, Fistula is a tract that opens from the rectum creating a hole in the walls of the bottoms. The tract exposes the faecal matter to escape through it. As these tracts do not have sphincters to control the flow, pus & other faecal matter flows without control of the patient. This creates a difficult & awkward situation for the patient in daily life. If not treated at an early stage, the infection may spread and multiple tracts can form, which makes it a complex fistula. Get treated for your fistulas by experts only for effective treatment.

Symptoms of Fistula

Symptoms 2

Causes of Fistula

Most anal fistulas develop after an anal abscess. You can get one if the abscess does not heal properly after the pus has drained away.

Infection of anal glands, leading to formation of sinus, which when not treated leads to formation of fistula. So proper diagnosis and management is essential in early stages.

Causes 2

Fistulas can also be caused due to the following reasons in few rare cases:

A long-term condition in which the digestive system becomes inflamed

Infection of the small pouches that can stick out of the side of the large intestine (colon)

A long-term skin condition that causes abscesses and scarring

A complication due to a surgery near the anus

Complications of Fistula

If the anal fistula is not treated properly then recurrent perianal abscesses and a complex fistula network may develop and this may cause pain, bleeding, faecal incontinence, skin infections (cellulitis), and sepsis.

Treatment for Fistula

Fistula-in-Ano Surgery:
Surgery is almost always necessary to cure an anal fistula. The surgery is performed by a colon and rectal surgeon. The goal of the surgery is a balance between getting rid of the fistula while protecting the anal sphincter muscles, which could cause incontinence if damaged.

To balance between avoiding incontinence and recurrence of fistulas, we have introduced



There are many procedures for fistula

Your colorectal surgeon will discuss all of your options before the surgery.


Risk of Fistula

Anal fistulas are more common in men. However, women also get them. They are also more common in those 30 to 50 years old. Other things that may raise the risk are: