10 Best Home Remedies to Provide Relief from Piles during Pregnancy

HomePiles10 Best Home Remedies to Provide Relief from Piles during Pregnancy
10 Best Home Remedies to Provide Relief from Piles during Pregnancy

Piles during pregnancy is a common problem that can cause considerable discomfort and distress.  The extra weight and pressure on the abdomen can cause veins in the anus and rectum to swell. Fortunately, some simple home remedies can help relieve the symptoms of piles in pregnancy.

As explained by Piles treatment experts at Chirag Global Hospitals, one of the best piles treatment hospitals in Bangalore, here are the 10 best home remedies to reduce piles pregnancy:

1. Drink plenty of water

Drinking lots of water is essential for keeping your body hydrated and helps to reduce the risk of developing piles. This is especially important during pregnancy when your body needs more water to support the growing baby.

2. Eat a high-fiber diet

Eating foods high in fiber can help keep your digestive system regular and reduce constipation, one of the leading causes of piles. Foods like oats and whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, and legumes are all good sources of fiber.

3. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise helps to promote regular movement in the bowels, which can help reduce constipation and associated symptoms of piles. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day, such as walking or swimming.

4. Avoid lifting heavy objects

Heavy lifting can strain your abdomen, aggravating piles. Avoid lifting heavy items and use the correct techniques to reduce the risk of straining your body. Also, avoid standing or sitting in one position for too long.

5. Use a supportive pillow

Lying down with a supportive pillow under your bottom can help relieve piles by keeping your rectum and perineum elevated. This helps reduce the pressure on the area, providing temporary relief.

6. Apply cold compresses

A cold compress to the affected area can help reduce pile swelling and inflammation. You can make your compress by soaking a washcloth in icy-cold water and applying it to the affected area.

7. Take a warm bath

Taking a warm bath, or even just soaking your feet, can help reduce piles’ discomfort. Soaking in a shallow, lukewarm bath for 15-20 minutes can help reduce swelling and relieve pain.

8. Use over-the-counter creams and ointments

Various over-the-counter creams and ointments can help reduce the symptoms associated with piles. These may include cream or suppositories to reduce inflammation, decrease pain, or promote healing.

9. Keep the area clean

Keeping the area clean is essential for preventing infection and helping reduce piles’ symptoms. Gently cleanse the area with warm water and mild soap, and ensure you dry the area thoroughly afterward.

10. Consult your doctor

If the symptoms of piles become severe or do not improve with home remedies, seek medical advice from your healthcare provider. They may prescribe medication to reduce swelling and pain or recommend a more invasive procedure such as surgery.

Following these simple home remedies and taking necessary precautions can help reduce the risk of developing piles during pregnancy and relieve the associated discomfort. We are committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate care for pregnant women suffering from piles at Chirag Global Hospitals.

Our experienced team of medical professionals can provide you with the support, advice, and treatments you need to manage your symptoms effectively. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you.

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