Guest Speaker at SBI HQ: Delivering a Health talk for Senior Managers

HomeEventGuest Speaker at SBI HQ: Delivering a Health talk for Senior Managers
Guest Speaker at SBI HQ: Delivering a Health talk for Senior Managers

Dr Rajasekhar Mysore was invited as a guest speaker at the SBI Head quarter to give a talk on “Self Management” to the senior managers of SBI. The health talk was organised by the management of SBI at the head quarters of Karnataka to educate senior managers on aspects of personal healthcare.

Every bank manager is stressed at some point of the day which develops a hidden problem within the body. This stress can lead to lifestyle disorders caused by harmful hormone secretions. Dr. Rajasekhar Mysore explained how all this stress for a job becomes immaterial when we are not in the right health condition to fulfil our daily responsibilities. The talk was super informative & provided intuitive time management techniques to create a healthy work-life balance.

Hoping to see all managers of SBI & every person out there to have a happy life free from all lifestyle disorders.

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Chirag Global Hospitals